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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Big Oil Never Met A Carbon Tax It Didn't Like

Big Oil, Big Banking, and Big Military are basically three brothers from the same family. The military supplies the weaponry to guard the oil and overthrow governments that won't play ball with the oil cartel, and the banking cartel supplies the funding for the whole imperialist agenda in return for endless interest on the debt created.

Big Government does absolutely nothing that is not in the best interests of oil, military, and banking, and that includes promoting environmentalism. Rest assured, the agenda to shut down US industry is as corporate-approved as you can get. This is state-of-the-art corporate globalism masquerading as environmentalism.

Beginning in the 1970's, American industry was purposely sabotaged so the jobs could be shipped to cheaper labor markets and America could be made dependent on cheap imports. The phony 'global warming crisis' is simply a cover story used to convince Americans to accept even more forced austerity measures. Phony free trade agreements were used to export US production- now the carbon tax prevents America from ever building it back.

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