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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Carbon Emissions

"Human carbon dioxide emissions are causing global warming"

Not all of it. Not even most of it. And their reduction will not be the cause of the next cooling cycle ( which might have already begun, depending on which data you're looking at )- especially since any fossil fuel emissions cut in the US will re-emerge in developing nations that are not party to the carbon tax.

Greenhouse gases have the same relation to earth's temperature trends as an extra pound of weight around the waist of Secretariat's jockey. That extra pound might have made the horse run a little slower- on a watch that counts in tenths of seconds. You CO2 alarmists think that the extra pound of weight is going to make Secretariat finish last or drop dead.

Why not stop telling these scary bedtime stories about impending doom from CO2 and instead, treat people like adults? Give them sound, honest reasons to cut pollution, like- 'It will make the air better to breathe'? What's wrong with that? Making wild predictions about Warmageddon from incomplete and possibly corrupted data is just crying wolf to push your agenda.

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