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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Jesus Chooses Corporatist Health Care??

It is definitely an act of extreme faith to be convinced that a second visit from Christ would find him shepherding whatever Christians He found into the Democratic wing of a Babylonian system, whatever their health care plan was.

I guess He would just ignore legal abortion and a military that drops hydrogen bombs and depleted uranium on defeated or defenseless populations.

That's some serious 'America #1!' hubris. How many huge dealbreakers would Christ be expected to overlook? Wouldn't Obama need to stop all wars in order to earn Christ's support on health care?

To debate whether Christ would be found on the side of either the Left or the Right when it comes to health care is very premature. 'Would Christ be on the side of America...­at all?' That's the first question.

Isn't Jesus more likely to come back and actually side with the real poor of the world *against* the US empire? The real poor are not inside the US, for the most part. America's weakest still reap the spoils of our empire, built with threats, leverage, violence and propaganda. Whatever you think about the failures of the US health care system, the citizens of the US would hardly be Christ's first priority if He returned. At least we have hospitals. Running water. Sewer systems. We're not covered in flies and dying from curable diseases, all directly related to a global wealth maldistribution that has America's fingerprints all over it.

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