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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Warmowski Sees Health Insurance Cartel, Calls It 'Free Market'

Warmowski: "Health insurance corporations have uniformly bled the public dry using their antitrust exemption.­"

Why would an industry operating in a free market ever need an antitrust exemption?

There is no free market in health insurance. There's a trust. A cartel that gobbles up government subsidies and engages in price-fixing and collusion. No free market there. If there was a free market in health insurance, you'd have a 'Wal-Mart' brand of health insurance that aggressively forced suppliers of health care to cut costs. There's no such thing.

"Now that deregulation ideology has crashed and burned, taking with it our jobs, our vacations, our options and our opportunity"

Globalization, a hellchild spawned by both corrupt bribe-soaked phony parties, sent the jobs overseas. Wall Street and the multinational corporations and traitors from both controlled parties collaborated every step of the way. Capital was regulated into dominance, allowed to dominate humans because government cleared all the obstacles.

Wall Street liberals praised globalization during the bubble years. The myth of globalization is now trashed, and now there's a new phony liberal myth to explain why it's killing economies: that government took a hands off approach to globalization.

Big Government was the Father of globalized capital and Big Business was the Mother of globalized capital. The harvesting of wealth for the ruling financial class and the transfer of America's productive capacity could not have happened without a Government/Business partnership breaking all the ice in the path of the theft.”

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