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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Globalization Is Globalized New Feudalism

The United States in 1900 was the most self-sufficient nation on Earth. One hundred plus years of being infiltrated by globalist financial parasites, and our manufacturing sector is on its last legs, we are buried in debt we can't service, and the economy we have left is a donut economy: service workers and paper pushers clumped together at the bottom, and a speculator class at the top, with the broad middle class a fading memory.

Yes, globalization sucks. Sorry to bust your bubble. Unless you like the rapidly expanding gap between richest and poorest, unless you like concentration of wealth and political influence into the top of the pyramid, you have little to cheer about when it comes to globalization. It destroys sovereign nations and makes them obedient to usurers, currency manipulators, trade predators, and labor exploiters. Globalization is another word for 'global new feudalism'.

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