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Sunday, November 29, 2009

MSM Will Not Treat Debt Crisis Seriously

Tens of thousands of comments each week in regards to health care. 165 comments on the deficit.

Possible explanations for the debt never taking center stage:

1- Hard to spin it into a left/right issue. Both parties have failed equally when it comes to taking the serious measures necessary to pull out of the debt spiral. If the media can't make an issue fit into the 'left vs.right' Punch and Judy cartoon, the media generally drops the ball.

2- The media hasn't figured out yet how to distort concern over Obama's deficit spending into a 'racist vendetta against Obama', like they do with skepticism about his health care reform.

3- The media can't easily make human interest stories out of the debt crisis. Too bad the debt isn't rocketing towards us from outer space, like a huge meteor. If people could see pictures, they might wake up.

4- It's math. Americans don't do math. Half of Americans have no clue how many zeros are in a trillion.

and the big reason why the debt will be the sleeping giant of news stories until the dollar explodes..­.

5- To make Americans focus on the debt, they'd have to be educated about how the monetary system works and educated about who runs that system for their own profit- and that will never happen.

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