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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Partners For Corporatism

The reason why WaPo and NYT appear close to the center is because the center is where all the controlled media are, including Fox. Underneath the veneer of 'left vs. right' that is used to sell the false left/right paradigm, they are all partners in advancing corporatism, as you point out. Once you look past all the left/right affectations, what you find in all mainstream media is:

Support for a huge central government
Support for globalization
Support for a dominant financial sector

They just sell what are allegedly 'different' methods of achieving the 'perfect' State, but all roads offered lead to the same destination: the end of the republic, replaced by a corporate oligarchy and Big Brother.

In truth, ALL controlled media support Barack Obama, even when it looks like they are not, because the manufactured divisions between the fake left and the fake right are what the elite use to give legitimacy to the fake process that installs the candidates they select as front men.

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