Blog Archive

Monday, November 30, 2009

Al Gore Opens Blanket Factory, 2011

Great new ( 10/09 )study from Russia's Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov - head of space research laboratory of the Pulkovo Observatory:

Quoting: "Over the past decade, global temperature on the Earth has not increased; global warming has ceased, and already there are signs of the future deep temperature drop. [...] It follows that warming had a natural origin, the contribution of CO2 to it was insignificant, anthropogenic increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide does not serve as an explanation for it, and in the foreseeable future CO2 will not be able to cause catastrophic warming. The so-called greenhouse effect will not avert the onset of the next deep temperature drop, the 19th in the last 7500 years, which without fail follows after natural warming."

Regular as clockwork, guided by the Sun.

Maybe Al can make his next ten million doing honest labor- like weaving blankets for us all.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

No Climate Change Skepticism Here

Who are the climate change skeptics? I haven't read a single person here claim that the climate has not varied throughout the long lifespan of the Earth. I think we are all firmly convinced that the climate does in fact change.

The difference is:

Some of us believe that forces external to Earth have been changing the Earth's climate for millions of years. Science tells us this.

And others believe that CO2 has caused unprecedented climate change.

If I'm skeptical of anything, I'm skeptical that unilaterally clamping down on US carbon emissions so they can re-emerge from factories and cars in other countries that ignore carbon limits will do anything for the future of America but make that future shorter and more miserable.

MSM Will Not Treat Debt Crisis Seriously

Tens of thousands of comments each week in regards to health care. 165 comments on the deficit.

Possible explanations for the debt never taking center stage:

1- Hard to spin it into a left/right issue. Both parties have failed equally when it comes to taking the serious measures necessary to pull out of the debt spiral. If the media can't make an issue fit into the 'left vs.right' Punch and Judy cartoon, the media generally drops the ball.

2- The media hasn't figured out yet how to distort concern over Obama's deficit spending into a 'racist vendetta against Obama', like they do with skepticism about his health care reform.

3- The media can't easily make human interest stories out of the debt crisis. Too bad the debt isn't rocketing towards us from outer space, like a huge meteor. If people could see pictures, they might wake up.

4- It's math. Americans don't do math. Half of Americans have no clue how many zeros are in a trillion.

and the big reason why the debt will be the sleeping giant of news stories until the dollar explodes..­.

5- To make Americans focus on the debt, they'd have to be educated about how the monetary system works and educated about who runs that system for their own profit- and that will never happen.

Pilings Continue To Rot

The portion of the US workforce employed in manufacturing has fallen to 9%. It was 39% in 1939. That was before the big WWII manufacturing boom.

So the pilings continue to rot.

Middle class will continue to shrink.

See this chart to look at the robbery of the American financial backbone, manufacturing:

Rescuing The Extremities

Compare the economy to a human body.

When a human body experiences trauma, the body reacts by pulling vital blood away from the extremities to feed vital organs.

This so-called 'recovery' has pulled blood away from vital organs to rescue the extremities.

They're not charting a recovery. They're fogging the windshield with propaganda and happy talk so you can't see where they're taking you.

The Dominant Sun

There is no 'international scientific consensus' . That's a myth, and the alarmists aren't going to make it a reality no matter how loudly they proclaim it. The hysteria over CO2 is waning as more and more independent scientists dig into the data.

Professor Richard Lindzen of MIT’s peer reviewed work states “we now know that the effect of CO2 on temperature is small, we know why it is small, and we know that it is having very little effect on the climate.”


"The global surface temperature record, which we update and publish
every month, has shown no statistica­lly-signif­icant “global warming”
for almost 15 years. Statistica­lly-signif­icant global cooling has now
persisted for very nearly eight years. Even a strong el Nino – expected
in the coming months – will be unlikely to reverse the cooling trend.

More significantly, the ARGO bathythermographs deployed
throughout the world’s oceans since 2003 show that the top 400
fathoms of the oceans, where it is agreed between all parties that at
least 80% of all heat caused by manmade “global warming” must
accumulate, have been cooling over the past six years. That now prolonged
ocean cooling is fatal to the “official” theory that “global
warming” will happen on anything other than a minute scale. "

The dominant force in control of the Earth's climate is the Sun.


The central purpose of each controlled major party is to make the other controlled major party appear to be the most dangerous choice. Each major party exists to fearmonger over the other, which ends up driving voters into the center, where they rubber stamp the agenda set out by the establishment.

Ant Farm

One and only one organization benefits when people are given only two false choices, and that organization is the Ruling Class that gives the marching orders to both factions.

This article describes:

the fake liberal faction of the Corporate/Wall Street/War Party, represented by Obama currently


the fake conservative faction of the Corporate/Wall Street/War Party, represented by FOX news.

Two masks inside one false paradigm of restricted and false choices. Manufactured consent behind predetermined synthesis solutions.

There ARE two parties in America. They can be represented as:

1- Those that refuse to see Big Government for what it is: the enforcement arm of globalist capitalism, the bouncer hired by the club's owners and paid by the gullible public


2- Those who recognize that Big Government and Big Business merged into a single control apparatus about nine decades ago.

The Obama Party and the FOX party are two groups of brainwashed voters competing to be the favorite son of Wall Street, and they're both prisoners inside the first party listed above. It's like a prison riot. Two cell blocks of prisoners who can't see that they will always take orders from above, no matter who wins.

They must like life in the ant farm of the financial elite.

New Weak Paper Hides Old Weak Paper

This phony 'recovery' ( which will be short-lived ) is built on lies and on sand. The money spent so far has been used to fortify the companies draining the economy, not on companies that want to rebuild America's manufacturing capacity.

There is no such thing as a "jobless recovery." There just isn't.
When the financial giants grow rich while the people starve, that is called "looting."

America is going through an asset confiscation phase. Money will be spent inside the US, but it will be spent to purchase assets at depressed prices from distressed sellers. There's more profit in that than in putting Americans back to work.

Strategy Of The Rulers

The establishment used to have the playing field all to themselves when there was only the mainstream media, but now that they are confronted with an internet that allows the truth to escape their filters, they have reacted by flooding the internet with disinfo. The ruling class can't weed out all the truth on the internet, so they grow a forest of propaganda around it and hope that the shade cast makes the truth difficult to locate.

There is still far more truth to be found in new media than in old, but money still makes the rules, and every strategy that Bernays came up with to control the masses through information management can be modified to work on the Web just as well as it worked in print and on television and radio

Government Will Eat Us All

Clinton hid government growth by farming it out to private contractors and he hid the size of the total debt by restructuring the composition of the bonds supporting it . While it's true that Clinton's spending was quickly surpassed by Bush, the fact is, government spending did increase under Clinton, as you can see in this chart:

When you factor in the IOU's in Social Security, veteran's benefits, medicare and pension funds, the picture is even worse.

There is so much compound interest wound around the total debt at this point that even shredding current expenditures to the bone would not decrease total debt service. You can see that in this chart:

We are trapped in a spiral of debt.


I've been looking for politicians who want to shrink the US military empire ( that exists to support the economic rampage of globalization ) for thirty years- neither party has delivered them to the front of the pack.

I've been looking for politicians who want to end the tyranny of the illegal Federal Reserve, the other vampire of US productivity. Neither bought and paid for major party has delivered them to the front of the pack.

If you're an Obama Democrat, look inside your own failed party and tell me what Pelosi and Obama and Reid are doing to cut the military and stop private ownership of the central bank


“"No one is saying that we GOVERN it!!"

Really? What does the phrase 'man-made global warming' mean to you? My interpretation is this: It implies, strongly, that a warmer planet is the product of man. It's a highly misleading phrase that severely exaggerates man's role.

If you read the phrase 'man-made fire', you would interpret that to mean that an arsonist had lit a fire where no fire existed before, right? Well, the phrase 'man-made global warming' misleadingly implies that man, all on his own, made the planet warm! The phrase 'man-made global warming' does indeed imply that man governs his climate.

If the AGW alarmists were honest, they would tell people that the planet has always warmed and cooled, and will continue to do so, no matter what policies are implemented. But they won't do that. They strongly suggest that they can 'cure' the planet of warming with their magic carbon tax wand.”

Al Gore, Serial Killer Of American Middle Class

I wonder which jobs will arrive first: the jobs that Al Gore promised would be created by NAFTA, or the jobs that Al Gore promises will be created by cap and trade?

True History

NAFTA passed, Glass-Steagall broken, derivative bomb unleashed- all during Clinton's terms.

Democrats blocked oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Democrats went along with Bush's wars.

Both parties endorsed Greenspan's cheap money policies.

There's the history of your credit bubble and the fraud and the leveraged assets wound around the fraud. Democratic fingerprints are all over it. Only people with zero understanding of how globalists and Wall Street control both parties would try to pin these economic conditions on one party or the other.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Keep Flapping Your Arms

The Earth's climate does not run on 40 year cycles. The Earth's climate runs on cycles that take 1000's of years to swell and ebb. Your 'greenhouse gas' blip is like the extra top inch of a huge wave or at the bottom of a huge trough. Remove it, halve it, double it, triple it, quadruple it, doesn't matter. Means nothing to the big picture.

If you rode in a car that moved along for thousands of years at speeds between 98 and 102 miles per hour and then one day you and your fellow humans stuck your arms out the windows and flapped your arms and briefly made the car move at 102.2 miles per hour, would you predict that in ten years you'd be able to make the car go 200 miles per hour, simply by continuing to all flap your arms?

That's what you AGW alarmists are doing. You're claiming that because a century of carbon emissions altered a solar-driven weather cycle by some minuscule degree ( if we can even trust any of the data ), that means that if we don't change our behavior, it will have temperature ramifications 100X as profound.

Not going to happen. CO2 is like the humans all flapping their arms out the windows of the car. They'll add a tiny tiny additional amount of propulsion/warming, and then that's it. There's a ceiling.

Molehill On The Mona Lisa

The Earth's climate doesn't run on 40 year cycles. Such cycles run like a layer on top of other massively powerful and lengthy solar-driven cycles. Sometimes the brief cycles merge with the long cycles, sometimes there is a slight divergence. But the short man-made cycles can never overpower the long solar cycles and re-direct them. In the long view, Earth's climate history is a long series of huge mountains and deep valleys spanning millions of years. This cycle will continue. You're looking at a molehill on the side of Mt. Everest.

The panic over this 40-year molehill requires one to develop extreme tunnel vision concentrated exclusively on a tiny sliver of time. Picture time as a huge canvas. If you poke a pin hole in the Mona Lisa and then look only at the pin hole through a magnifying glass, of course it's going to look like extreme damage. But if you look at the Mona Lisa from across the room, you won't even see the pin hole.

Anyone can make a scary hockey stick. All you have to do is look at only a tiny slice of time, and then make your whole graph cover a degree or two of celsius from top to bottom. Instant hockey stick.

Big Oil Never Met A Carbon Tax It Didn't Like

Big Oil, Big Banking, and Big Military are basically three brothers from the same family. The military supplies the weaponry to guard the oil and overthrow governments that won't play ball with the oil cartel, and the banking cartel supplies the funding for the whole imperialist agenda in return for endless interest on the debt created.

Big Government does absolutely nothing that is not in the best interests of oil, military, and banking, and that includes promoting environmentalism. Rest assured, the agenda to shut down US industry is as corporate-approved as you can get. This is state-of-the-art corporate globalism masquerading as environmentalism.

Beginning in the 1970's, American industry was purposely sabotaged so the jobs could be shipped to cheaper labor markets and America could be made dependent on cheap imports. The phony 'global warming crisis' is simply a cover story used to convince Americans to accept even more forced austerity measures. Phony free trade agreements were used to export US production- now the carbon tax prevents America from ever building it back.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Corporations Fund Pro-Carbon Tax Media

You insist that the corporate world is funding skeptics of man-made global warming. The corporate world supplies the advertising dollars to mainstream media. If you think that the corporate world is trying to block the carbon tax, then please explain why the corporate-funded mainstream media is biting the hands that feed them by downplaying the climategate story?

Kill All Humans And The Earth Still Warms. Surprised?

The sun does much more to move the thermometer than man does. I have never said that the sun was responsible for 100% of temperature change.

Ending all fossil fuel use would not reverse a solar-driven warming cycle, and you could multiply fossil fuel use by 10 times and not reverse a solar-driven cooling cycle. In both case, man is a passenger on earth at the mercy of the sun's power.

Data Gets Twisted When Money Is At Stake

I wonder if the people who believe that it's impossible for the weather data to have been manipulated are the same people who were ignoring the manipulated securitized mortgage bundle data during the bubble?

Many people knew that Wall Street was cooking the numbers and hiding bad data back in 2005-2006, but the mainstream media worked to hide the fraud. Just like today- the data supporting the CO2 crisis is crumbling, but the mainstream media is trying to keep people under the spell of the carbon tax hustlers.

The Sun Is Hot. Surprised?

I didn't say that the sun is the primary cause of CO2 levels. I said that the sun is the dominant controller of earth temperature. You're the one arguing that we will have Warmageddon if CO2 levels aren't changed. I'm arguing that temperatures will continue to experience normal swings that follow the long term solar cycles, and these temperature swings will occur if man is wiped off the earth or if man triples his fossil fuel use.

Settled Science?

There is no such thing as 'settled' science. All science is always open for re-examination and potential revision. For example:

Science re-examines the effects of various pharmaceuticals- occasionally, new dangers are recognized.

Science re-examines the safety of geneticall­y-modified foods- occasionally, new dangers are recognized.

Science re-examines the safety of vaccines- occasionally, new dangers are recognized.

The list is endless. Everything we think we know today about astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, genetics, diseases, viruses, etc. etc. etc is going to be different in 100 years and different again in 1000 years. Science is an evolving, growing enterprise.

Claiming that the science of climate change is 'settled' in 2009 is like a doctor in 1900 claiming that no further advances can be made in the study of cancer. Obviously, no competent doctor would have made that statement about cancer in 1900, because any competent doctor would know that the investigation never ends. The investigation of temperature cycles and their causes has not ended in 2009, either. The doors of the laboratory are never locked.

Einstein had a good quote that applies here: "The only thing more dangerous than ignorance is arrogance.­" It's not a good idea to be convinced that you have solved all the mysteries of climate change. Many remain.

Nothing To Prove

"global warming is proven in 2009"

The existence of earth temperature trends has always been known, so there was nothing to prove. These trends are *effects* that result from a confluence of many many variables, some external to earth, some produced on earth. The reason why the globalists have mistakenly targeted CO2 as the cause of these well-known effects is because the globalists have not figured out a way to tax sunlight yet.

Our ancestors have experienced both warming and cooling, and so will our descendents. During both warming and cooling periods, no one will be able to prove that greenhouse gases deserve the majority of blame for the warming or cooling. Greenhouse gases have been a minor contributor to all past warming and cooling cycles, and they will be a minor contributor to all future warming and cooling cycles.

Carbon Emissions

"Human carbon dioxide emissions are causing global warming"

Not all of it. Not even most of it. And their reduction will not be the cause of the next cooling cycle ( which might have already begun, depending on which data you're looking at )- especially since any fossil fuel emissions cut in the US will re-emerge in developing nations that are not party to the carbon tax.

Greenhouse gases have the same relation to earth's temperature trends as an extra pound of weight around the waist of Secretariat's jockey. That extra pound might have made the horse run a little slower- on a watch that counts in tenths of seconds. You CO2 alarmists think that the extra pound of weight is going to make Secretariat finish last or drop dead.

Why not stop telling these scary bedtime stories about impending doom from CO2 and instead, treat people like adults? Give them sound, honest reasons to cut pollution, like- 'It will make the air better to breathe'? What's wrong with that? Making wild predictions about Warmageddon from incomplete and possibly corrupted data is just crying wolf to push your agenda.

Grape Volcano

It is very simple to prove that man-made CO2 does not deserve most of the blame ( or credit ) for whatever warming we have seen in this century- such warming trends have been equaled or surpassed by warming trends of the pre-industrial age. Therefore, it is logical to accept that the primary cause of all these warming trends, pre- and post-industrial, is a cause that existed during *all* these warming trends.

The sun was present for all recorded warming trends.

Man-made CO2 was only present for one warming trend ( this century's ).

If a volcano erupted twenty times in history but, before the twentieth eruption, someone planted grapes on the side of the volcano, would you insist that the grapes were the cause of the twentieth volcanic eruption?

That would make no sense. Obviously, the cause of the first nineteen eruptions is most likely to blame for the twentieth.

Similarly- if the earth has warmed in the same manner nineteen times in the past, would it make sense to argue that something which only appeared during the twentieth warming trend ( man-made CO2 ) was behind the most recent warming?

ClimateGate Whack-A-Mole

This is what happens when people begin with a conclusion- they find themselves playing whack-a-mole for the rest of their lives, smacking down facts that contradict their original conclusion.

Hot Stocks and Cooked Data

Both make money from pushing 'hot' things... Wall Street pumps up the 'hot stocks', so you buy in and push the price high- which is when the insiders sell off. The global warming gang pushes the 'hot death from CO2' theory, so you'll pay their carbon tax. Then they'll take the carbon tax proceeds and build factories overseas, which is where America will find the rest of its manufacturing jobs.

Bureau Of Engraving

the currency (Federal Reserve Notes ) is a product of the Fed, although the Bureau of Engraving and Printing creates what isn't introduced into the system digitally. The Treasury trades bills, notes and bonds for the currency, and the Fed auctions those off. The FRN's are secured by the Treasuries.

The Treasury issued United States Notes for many years ( simultaneous with the Federal Reserve notes, but in much smaller quantities ), but they no longer do.

Federal Reserve Notes do not fit the true definition of money, by the way- they are bills of credit. They each represent a portion of a loan, because all Federal Reserve notes enter the system as new debt.

I wish I could explain why the Fed is necessary, but I can't. The founding fathers certainly never thought that any private banks should come between the people and their money supply

Damning Admission

Phil Jones admitting that a cooling trend began back in 1998, from an e-mail in 2005 excerpted below:

From: Phil Jones
To: John Christy
Subject: This and that
Date: Tue Jul 5 15:51:55 2005


The scientific community would come down on me in no
uncertain terms if I said the world had cooled from 1998. OK it has but it is only
7 years of data and it isn't statistically significant.


"OK it has "

Very damning.

Public Domain

"The domain is registered anonymously"

As are several billion others. It's meaningless. Also, the exceptionally great and industrious concerned citizens who have provided that archive are undoubtedly not the hackers themselves, so they are not data thieves. They simply organized what was available on multiple torrent sites.

If they're 'data thieves' for archiving the e-mails on the web, then so is every other news organization and individual quoting from them, in print and on the web.

At this point, it's all in the public domain.


The warming and cooling trends are not uniform. That's how we know that they are tracking solar activity. If they were actually tracking carbon emissions, we would have never seen the leveling off we have seen in the past ten years.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Partners For Corporatism

The reason why WaPo and NYT appear close to the center is because the center is where all the controlled media are, including Fox. Underneath the veneer of 'left vs. right' that is used to sell the false left/right paradigm, they are all partners in advancing corporatism, as you point out. Once you look past all the left/right affectations, what you find in all mainstream media is:

Support for a huge central government
Support for globalization
Support for a dominant financial sector

They just sell what are allegedly 'different' methods of achieving the 'perfect' State, but all roads offered lead to the same destination: the end of the republic, replaced by a corporate oligarchy and Big Brother.

In truth, ALL controlled media support Barack Obama, even when it looks like they are not, because the manufactured divisions between the fake left and the fake right are what the elite use to give legitimacy to the fake process that installs the candidates they select as front men.

Junior Party Of Globalism & Wall Street

The Left does not want to accept that the political roots of most of the people at these protests are not in the corporate Republican party. Their roots are in the OLD Democratic party- but that party abandoned them, and became the Junior Party of Globalism and Wall Street, partner in crime with the equally compromised modern Republican party.

These people are not taking a stance against the Left. If there still was a real Left in America, these people would be in it. They're taking a stance against being ignored by BOTH parties.

Government Can Never Be Big Enough For A Sellout Liberal

The Left does not accept or use the phrase 'Big Government'. In the Newspeak Encyclopedia, there is only a listing for 'Better Government'. Any effort to grow government is always categorized as an effort to 'make government better'. By terminating language that refers to the size of government, they have made it impossible to speak with prejudice against any expansion of government.

Double Plus Good.

PelosiCare A Small Business Killer

"Health care reform will enable, not prevent, small business owners to attain affordable health care for their own families and their employees.­"

Nope. This will collapse more small businesses than it will grow. That's the only reason for the giant financial interests that own both parties to manufacture this health care crisis- to create a Trojan Horse 'solution' that generates market realities that allow them to consolidate more control into their tightly-knit oligarchy.

The simplest and most effective way to infuse cash into health care would be to stop paying compound interest on our monetary supply to the private cartel that owns the unconstitutional Federal Reserve- but that's an impossibility, since the majority of the Left is scared into silence about this malignancy in control of the very source of our budget miseries.

The second most effective way to infuse cash into health care would be to rapidly shrink the US global military presence that enforces globalized new feudalism for the same cartel that owns the banking network- but again, the Left is scared away from prosecuting that theft and returning that money to the nation's health care system.

The central bank and the military-industrial complex are the burdens caving in America's budget. Throw them off, and keep America's GDP out of the hands of usurers and their war machine. There's your health care budget. Stop paying interest to use your own money, stop paying for staged wars that increase the demand for debt.


If you look at the disease rates that you're blaming on 'pollution' ( carbon dioxide is not pollution, by the way- it's an essential building block of life on Earth that makes plants grow ), the biggest culprits behind these emerging and growing diseases are components of the food, water and vaccines that carry the government seal of approval.

Phony Liberals Play Race Card To Protect Corporate Health Care

"The middle of the country, where I reside for my sins in a past life, is full of vehement, armed people who ... hate having a black president.­"

Riiiighhhh­t.... all these complaints about Big Government taking over health care would *totally* dry up if Obama was 100% white instead of 50% white...

(rolling eyes)

Fact: Clinton, a white President, faced the same complaints about health care reform.

Any President would face this struggle. The non-robot portion of the public is still furious over their opposition to the Paulson/Bush/Obama bank bailout being ignored by Congress. This is not going to be an easy time for any elected official to sell another huge expansion of government power.


Why do the Obamanauts insist that everyone with a complaint about health care automatically belongs in their camp? They do not. There are competing health care proposals out there.

Secondly- where was Pelosi when Americans wanted the Democratic party in control of Congress to stop funding the wars and impeach Bush and Cheney for war crimes?

Looks like the speaker is very selective about when she hears what the people want...


Any government that has given the store away to the Wall Street cartel over the past two decades ( as this government has ) is going to be on very thin ice when offering ANY new policy on health care or anything else. Why should we think these servants of a globalist crime syndicate are delivering truly populist health care? The natural assumption of any thinking person is always going to be "Which 1% of the country is going to cash in on this?"

The fingerprints of the global financial elite have been on every major policy direction and every war for 80 years. The mask of the 'protective government' has melted off, and now, when people see 'Government', they see 'Sharks'. Many, many people now recognize who rules America and what ideology unites them. The 2008 bailout pulled the curtains back on the real Washington.

When people feel like Democratic power and Republican power are both proxies of the same predatory oligarchy, they choose the only thing left: a stance against new government power of any kind.

Can't blame them.

Globalization Explained In A Single Paragraph

My one paragraph history of globalization:

Americans pay compound interest on debt-backed money supply that uses their own labor as collateral, hijackers of monetary system use compound interest payments to export America's manufacturing capacity overseas.

Data Gets Twisted

I wonder if the same people who believe that it's impossible for the weather data to have been manipulated are the same people who were ignoring the manipulated securitized mortgage bundle data during the bubble?

Many people knew that Wall Street was cooking the numbers and hiding bad data back in 2005-2006, but the mainstream media worked to hide the fraud. Just like today- the data supporting the CO2 crisis is crumbling, but the mainstream media is trying to keep people under the spell of the carbon tax hustlers.

Fearmongering At Its Finest

"no one is saying that a reduction in pollution or a conversion to cleaner energy will create a static climate."

If you admit that ending pollution would not halt climate change, then please state which is the more powerful hand on the lever of earth temperatures- man's or the sun's?

If man disappeared or the sun disappeared, which event would cause more change to earth temperatures?

If you agree that the disappearance of the sun would have greater impact on earth temperatures, then please tell me how man can be honestly described as the controller of his climate?

The phrase 'man-made global warming' argues that global warming is produced by man, almost exclusively. That's nonsense. The phrase 'man-made global warming' represents fearmongering hyperbole at its finest.

Mainstream Media Tries To Spin ClimateGate

"This could truly prove to be the biggest scandal in science in modern history and should be treated as such."

You're right, it ought to be- but does anyone think the mainstream media will follow through?

The proponents of the carbon tax insist that the oil industry is behind the CO2 skepticism. The mainstream media takes in billions in advertising from the petroleum industries and energy companies and car companies. If the climategate emails would be so helpful to so many mainstream media advertisers, then why isn't the mainstream media doing more to publicize this scandal?

The answer is: the corporate world is solidly behind the carbon tax program, because it will tax people to export their own manufacturing sector to cheaper labor markets, benefiting the multi-national corporations.

Carbon Scam

The oil industry is solidly behind the carbon tax, because they know they will be selling oil to countries that have not been purposely deindustrialized by globalist predators. Globally, their business will not suffer. The phony carbon scam is just a cover story used to convince those in the west that they were right to give all their industry away and sabotage their own standard of living.

Married To The Sun

Everyone knows that the sun has the power to make the daytime air warmer than the air in the middle of the evening. That's evidence of sun-driven temperature change on a single day. Any climate-changing powers demonstrated by the sun on a single day can be extrapolated over a year or a century or over a million years, and credited with having the same profound effects on a macro scale.

If the appearance of the sun in the sky can change the temperature by 30 degrees in a single day, then it is obvious that the relation of the sun to the earth's temperature is critical at all times. Any change in the earth's orbit or change in the sunspot cycles or change in the sun's magnetic field has consequences for the earth.The sun and the earth are married when it comes to the climate. The sun is married to all the other planets in our solar system as well, which is why solar-driven temperature trends can be measured on other planets, and they correlate with ours.

Prevailing Trends

How can you claim that man controls Earth temperature if you are unwilling to predict static earth temperatures if man is removed?

Whatever man does, it is either a minor addition to a prevailing solar-driven trend, or a minor reduction from a prevailing solar-driven trend.

The Genocidal Man-Made Global Warming Agenda

If human life was wiped out on the earth, do you believe that the earth's temperature would level off and then remain constant into infinity?

I doubt that you do.

I bet you recognize that other factors would continue to produce temperature swings equal to those we have already measured. We know this because we have recorded temperature swings from a pre-industrial age that exceed any from the post-industrial age.

Man can reduce pollution, and that is what he should be trying to do. But to mislead people with claims that reductions in pollution will produce a static climate is phony science.

Witch Trials Begin

It's only a matter of time before the witch trials begin, I guess. America 2012: Anyone who looks at the giant fire ball in the sky and thinks that it just might be a huge factor in earth temperature trends should be drowned, stoned to death, or hung in the public square. The punishment must be swift and severe.

( In fact, I think that we should retire the phrase 'solar system' also. Clearly, we don't live in a solar system. We've been wrong all along, so very very wrong....)

When did so many Americans lose their powers of hindsight? No one remembers Al Gore's last 'sure thing'- NAFTA and GATT?

Panic Reveals Who Is Skeptical About Their Own Theories

Dissent among scientists is proof that science is healthy, not proof against science. A compulsion to claim consensus where none exists is part of a crusade to suffocate science. If the MMGW side was confident in their theories, they wouldn't be trying to close off debate with intimidation and peer pressure.

Einstein's theory of relativity is still called a theory today because that's what it is: a theory. Like all science, it is under ongoing revision. Nothing is sacred in science. Everyone is entitled to their own interpretation of the evidence, and the evidence gathering process never ends.The Cult of Gore has been trying to proclaim 'case closed' on climate change- that's poison to science.

No one is going to believe your side has a flawless theory for climate change as long as every story like Climategate induces a panic reaction. Panic reveals who is skeptical about their own theories.

Controlling The Message

There should be no surprise that Team Obama mirrors the Bush administration's efforts to control message and shove all dissenters into the 'un-American' tent- they're operating from the same playbook. The ruling class insulates itself from scrutiny by convincing citizens that the pro wrestling match they're watching is the real power struggle. There is no power struggle. It's theater. There is only the methodical implementation of a unified agenda, through a series of rigged fights leading to ordained synthesis outcomes.

When resistance builds against the openly corporate Republican mask offered by the ruling class, the ruling class and controlled media spin the rudder and favor the supposed 'reform' offered by the Democrats. These tacks to the left or right never alter the long-term course of the ship of state, they just create the illusion of change.

The fake left will entice people to rally behind them by promising that they can 'drive Republicans into the wilderness' and 'exile them from the debate', but that's impossible. The Right IS the Left's reason for existence, and vice versa. Should either the Left or Right become so weakened that they can no longer be taken seriously as a combatant in the pro wrestling arena, then the public will see the single cartel operating both masks. That can't be allowed to happen and won't, not until the full authoritarian state can be revealed without fear of provoking revolution.

Two Tentacles, Same Octopus

The ruling party uses both emissaries, the fake left and the fake right, to create a manufactured conflict over an issue.

The whole point of the false left/right paradigm is that the citizens must be convinced that THEY are the ones deciding on health care. If the central government issued a new health care policy without preceding conflict between the false left and false right, even the dumbest would catch on that the two party system is a charade.

The controlled synthesis 'solution' that will result from this manufactured conflict is already plotted out, just like the 'solution' to the banking meltdown was decided BEFORE the fake left and fake right pretended to squabble over how to 'fix' the economy.

Now, the herd of cattle must be manipulated towards that synthesis solution on health care. This is done by framing both the problem and the reaction in a manner that the ruling class can control, and then the two controlled major parties stage a false competition that concludes with the citizens 'choosing' the predestined synthesis solution.

This is how the single party corporate fascist state builds itself- by disguising itself inside the trappings of a democracy.

If You Like False Choices, Stay Inside The False Left/Right Paradigm

I don't even think left wing/right wing, because it's a mental prison created by the same corporate gangsters who created the false left/right paradigm that has been manipulating the population for 100 years. Two tentacles leading back to the same octopus, a charade of false choices and manufactured consent.

There are way more than two sides to this issue. The real division is this:

On one side, you have the people who believe that Republican and Democrat are their only choices- they're the ones trapped inside the false paradigm, making their health care decisions based on the limited menu offered by the globalists who own both major front parties that serve as controlled opposition to each other.

On the other side, you have those who have woken up, and recognize that giving any more power to a giant central government ( whether it comes packaged by the fake left or the fake right ) is one more step down the path of complete servitude to the financial gangsters who have owned this country since they hijacked the monetary system.

Globalization Is Globalized New Feudalism

The United States in 1900 was the most self-sufficient nation on Earth. One hundred plus years of being infiltrated by globalist financial parasites, and our manufacturing sector is on its last legs, we are buried in debt we can't service, and the economy we have left is a donut economy: service workers and paper pushers clumped together at the bottom, and a speculator class at the top, with the broad middle class a fading memory.

Yes, globalization sucks. Sorry to bust your bubble. Unless you like the rapidly expanding gap between richest and poorest, unless you like concentration of wealth and political influence into the top of the pyramid, you have little to cheer about when it comes to globalization. It destroys sovereign nations and makes them obedient to usurers, currency manipulators, trade predators, and labor exploiters. Globalization is another word for 'global new feudalism'.

Sellout Liberals Claim That Everyone Dissatisfied With Health Care Wants Their Solution

Perhaps 76% of the population does want to make minor or major changes to the way health care is delivered in America- but that doesn't mean that all of that 76% are in support of the Obama plan.

People look at who installed Obama ( Wall Street ), they look at what Obama has already delivered to the cartel in return, they look at the other Big Brother policies Obama is trying to ram through during his honeymoon, they look at the rest of the crew of corporate servants masquerading as Democratic leadership ( starting with Pelosi and Frank and Reid ), and they quite rightfully look at the Obama health care plan as yet another Trojan horse.

Obama is trying to nationalize the health care industry to serve the investor class, same as the bank nationalization, same as the auto industry nationalization.

Identify extremists By Looking For Those Shrieking The Loudest About 'Extremists'

It cracks me up when I see left-wing extremists refer to ordinary people as right-wing extremists.

Left wingers literally cannot conceive of anyone having differences with their agenda for legitimate reasons, because the Left genuinely believes that they are answering a higher calling. Despite many on the Left having a lukewarm to cold relationship with the concept of a God, they endlessly imply that their agenda is transformative and healing and 'unquestionably perfect'- i.e: holy.

To the Left, there is no such thing as left wing extremism, because they have sanctified their agenda and deposited it into the category of 'Mission From God'.

Extremists by nature compulsively label everyone with a different opinion as an 'extremist'.

If you want to find extremists, spot those shrieking the loudest about extremists. You'll be looking right at them.

Phony Liberals Slander Anti-FED Movement As 'right wing'

To characterize the brewing anger across America as 'right wing' is laughable. It is made up of people from across the political spectrum who have abandoned both major parties because both major parties are servants of globalized finance.

We know we've been ripped off, and we no longer trust either party to put America first.

A Loud Country Is A Free Country

A country where everyone says whatever they want even to the point of infuriating other people is a free country. In no way is a society where people feel like they need to look over their shoulder for a government monitor or need to 'please the crowd' with what they say a healthy society.

What fits into the category of 'civil' or 'responsible' is different for everyone. It's impossible to write those categories into law and we should never try. If we do, we can never claim to have free speech again. We'll have lost it forever.

The option to address or ignore the speech of others always rests completely with the individual doing the listening. Turning to the government to make someone else's free speech go silent will always come back to bite you personally- which is why the government is always trying to coax you into asking for that protection.

Free Speech Cannot Be Legislated

It is impossible to legislate 'responsibility' or 'accountability' into free speech, which explains why the Founders didn't attempt to include such conditions into the Bill of Rights, and why the courts have been loath to define 'irresponsible' speech.

Thank God the First Amendment doesn't read like this:

"Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, as long as the speech is considered responsible by whichever faction of society currently holds the upper hand in government and media ownership.­"

Because if it did, it would make the entire concept of free speech an unworkable fraud. It's too easy to slander a political opinion you disagree with as 'irresponsible', in an effort to prevent people from having access to that opinion.

Free speech, if replaced by managed speech, dies.

The rewritten 1st Amendment above would put control over speech into the hands of government and into the hands of those with the loudest media megaphones, instead of keeping it in the hands of the individual- where all rights belong. Rights are not rationed out based on the popularity of one's political views.

Phony Liberals Only Tolerate Christians When They Can Use Them

The media presents a funhouse mirror image of Christianity, and many on the Left drink enthusiastically from that tainted spring. 'stock resentment' puts it well. The Left wants conservative Christians to remain the face of Christianity, because Christians make convenient scapegoats for the Left's own policy failures.

Mainstream liberals have made the complaint for decades that the media presents distorted stereotypes in place of reality when it comes to certain groups (racial minorities or gays or foreigners, for example ), but they're strangely silent when the same media constructs a distorted picture of Christianity by exaggerating the ratio of conservative Christians.

I'm guessing many liberals ignore this media distortion because it helps their own agenda, and I'm guessing these same liberals will swiftly return to their standard modus operandi of ignoring or sneering at Christians once they finish enlisting Christians into the health care debate.

Jesus Chooses Corporatist Health Care??

It is definitely an act of extreme faith to be convinced that a second visit from Christ would find him shepherding whatever Christians He found into the Democratic wing of a Babylonian system, whatever their health care plan was.

I guess He would just ignore legal abortion and a military that drops hydrogen bombs and depleted uranium on defeated or defenseless populations.

That's some serious 'America #1!' hubris. How many huge dealbreakers would Christ be expected to overlook? Wouldn't Obama need to stop all wars in order to earn Christ's support on health care?

To debate whether Christ would be found on the side of either the Left or the Right when it comes to health care is very premature. 'Would Christ be on the side of America...­at all?' That's the first question.

Isn't Jesus more likely to come back and actually side with the real poor of the world *against* the US empire? The real poor are not inside the US, for the most part. America's weakest still reap the spoils of our empire, built with threats, leverage, violence and propaganda. Whatever you think about the failures of the US health care system, the citizens of the US would hardly be Christ's first priority if He returned. At least we have hospitals. Running water. Sewer systems. We're not covered in flies and dying from curable diseases, all directly related to a global wealth maldistribution that has America's fingerprints all over it.

Would Jesus Turn To An Imperialist Military Power For Help?

I'm a little surprised there's so much confidence on the Left that Jesus Christ in 2009 would tell Christians to pursue a better health care system by hiring the 2009 version of the US government to control it.

Would Jesus really look at an imperialist power that made wars and genocides to take its homeland and made wars to expand empire and say, "Christians, find better health care through these greed-fueled killers"?

Would Jesus look at a government beholden to multinational corporations that exploit labor worldwide and say, "Christians, find better health care through them"?

Would Jesus look at a government that serves as the enforcer for a Wall Street cartel of speculators and money changers and usurers and say, "Christians, find better health care through them"?

Before claiming with such confidence that 'Christ would steer today's Christians into deeper reliance on government ', maybe think about all that Christ might not like about today's US government.

Christ was not big on compromises made to 'go along and get along' with the powerful. Would Christ really say, "Trust this government, because it's the only game in town, take it or leave it"? The only authority figure Christ recommended was God.

Lastly, I think it's very strange that liberals are unable to resist implying that 'Christ would be on our side when we make our health care policy', since that is the exact same boast that liberals claim to despise when they hear it from the Christians across the aisle.

Fictional Capital and Science Fictional Capital

I should probably break it down into 'fictional capital' and 'science fictional capital'. 'fictional capital' being the run of the mill digital fiat, 'science fictional capital' being the more exotic speculative trash of indeterminable worth, like the toxic credit default swaps that Geithner and Paulson bought at face value ( no such thing ) from the exploding casinos looking for welfare ( otherwise known as 'investment banks', otherwise known as 'off-shore market manipulating hedge funds' ).


There was a bounce in 1930, too. People yelled 'I see the bottom' in 1930, too. Then we got to 1933. The amount of job losses and bankruptcies today are outpacing those that preceded the false bottom of 1930, indicating that the next lurch down will be steeper as the current unwinding of fictional capital plays out.

The Blame

“"the private sector ruined the banking system, not the government­."

Actually, the government's foolish efforts to guarantee the mortgages of the GSE's ( Fannie, Freddie ) were the government market interventions that allowed the crooks of Wall Street to run wild with securitization of mortgage debt. The leverage against those securities and the derivatives wound around the mortgage debt were government-endorsed con games. It all happened right before the eyes of government. Google 'Brooksley Born'.

The credit bubble was built on poor quality mortgages. Government insisted that risky loans be given and government backed for the bundles and bonds created from that risky debt. A complete state-private partnership caused the engineered crash. It's typical of any communist/­corporatis­t entity.

Phony Liberals Attack Goldman Sachs In 2009 After Goldman Sach's Candidate Installed In White House In 2008

Everyone who warned about how much funding Obama was raking in from Wall Street during the campaign was drowned out by glassy eyed cultists murmuring 'change, change, change'. Most of the people issuing the warnings were from the real left, not the phony CFR globalist Wall Street left that installed Obama, so don't even pretend that it was a Republican strategy to highlight Wall Street's enthusiasm for Obama.

"It's a non-issue because they pumped money into all of the campaigns, hedging their bets."

Don't be ridiculous. It's a huge issue. If the banks feel like they can get fellated for their money by either major party, then there is no chance of change, is there? All options on the table are controlled.

How can confirmation of a single financial crime syndicate pulling the strings of both parties not be an issue?

The Convenient Arrival Of Radical Islam

It's not coincidental that the Brzezinski-created 'Radical Islam' threat was in the wings to serve as the 1984 Eurasia external threat after Soviet Eastasia was retired.

The Soviet Threat was developed, massaged and amplified in order to make America submit to the military-industrial complex that promised to defend us from it. Now, the War on Terror is used to make the citizens submit to the dominant surveillance state that promises to defend us from 'terrorism' .

External threats are manufactured to make people trade liberty for security.

Warmowski Sees Health Insurance Cartel, Calls It 'Free Market'

Warmowski: "Health insurance corporations have uniformly bled the public dry using their antitrust exemption.­"

Why would an industry operating in a free market ever need an antitrust exemption?

There is no free market in health insurance. There's a trust. A cartel that gobbles up government subsidies and engages in price-fixing and collusion. No free market there. If there was a free market in health insurance, you'd have a 'Wal-Mart' brand of health insurance that aggressively forced suppliers of health care to cut costs. There's no such thing.

"Now that deregulation ideology has crashed and burned, taking with it our jobs, our vacations, our options and our opportunity"

Globalization, a hellchild spawned by both corrupt bribe-soaked phony parties, sent the jobs overseas. Wall Street and the multinational corporations and traitors from both controlled parties collaborated every step of the way. Capital was regulated into dominance, allowed to dominate humans because government cleared all the obstacles.

Wall Street liberals praised globalization during the bubble years. The myth of globalization is now trashed, and now there's a new phony liberal myth to explain why it's killing economies: that government took a hands off approach to globalization.

Big Government was the Father of globalized capital and Big Business was the Mother of globalized capital. The harvesting of wealth for the ruling financial class and the transfer of America's productive capacity could not have happened without a Government/Business partnership breaking all the ice in the path of the theft.”

Critics Of Free Markets Think An Oligopoly Is A Free Market

The modern conservative stance on the relationship between governments and markets is also a fraud. If 'free-market fundamentalists' are 'doing their thing', the results don't show it. Despite what is alleged, the government is not being 'dismantled'. Far from it.

The US federal government spent 20% of US GDP in 1948, 30% by 1961, 35% by 1989, and 45.34% in 2009.

There are more federal agencies than ever, and the federal government redistributes more wealth than ever- upwards.

Big Government is far too valuable an ally for Big Business to ever be dismantled. Big Government is purchased, compromised, enlarged, and then crafted into a weapon of Big Business that is used to spy on and punish competitors. Big Government harvests wealth for corporations and transfers it in the form of contracts and subsidies. Big Government enforces market discipline in favor of the insiders' club.

The most powerful corporation in the country, the Federal Reserve, would not rotate emissaries from Goldman and the rest of the banking cartel into government offices if this did not pay dividends. Government is a subsidiary of Big Business; it's essential for the management of crony capitalism that government be large, powerful and feared.

Government is the club that the oligarchy uses to guard their empire from the rabble. The solution to the failures of our current centrally-planned economy is not to make it more communist, because that just means making it more totalitarian.

Al Gore Of The Insects

Do you believe that if human life was wiped off the earth, temperature would level off and remain constant forever? I doubt that you do. The earth would continue to experience temperature swings up and down equal to any on record, even if man were removed. We're passengers, not drivers.

If man were gone and the temperatures still rose and fell as they have for millions of years, what would happen? Would an Al Gore rise up out of the earth's insect population and blame his fellow insects for the solar-driven temperature cycles?


Earth temperatures are very mildly affected by greenhouse gas, but they are controlled by only one governor: the sun. Variations in the earth's orbit are responsible for the dominant long cycles of climate change, sun spot cycles and changes in the sun's magnetic field have primary responsibility for the shorter term sub-cycles of earth climate change. Human behavior cannot alter any of the climate trends produced by the sun.

Believing that humans can overrule the dominant solar-driven climate cycles is like believing that a pigeon can land on the back of a charging rhino and steer it in a new direction.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Globalization Dynamites The Middle Class

I wonder which American middle class these 'grow ourselves out of debt' types are looking at? The road to the middle class that used to go through the manufacturing sector has been dynamited by globalization. There's about one lane still open, and not many unions still able to fight for a good wage. If this growth is expected to come from service/re­tail/paper pushing, I don't see it. The middle class independent farmer is also on the ropes.

Phony Accounting

The Fed created an obscene sum to bail out the profits of the banks carrying fraudulent toxic paper. These loans provided a mirage of 'balance' against all the failed debt that they would have had to declare as losses. Like a miracle, the banks are technically 'in the black' again, thanks to this funny money transfusion. This sum cannot be released into the economy by the banks because massive inflation would soon follow. So, the banks are sitting with reserves swollen to unprecedented heights, or are they are recycling them back into the Treasury auctions to keep downward pressure on rates.

You can see this pile of reserves in the Fed's own chart:

Raising Tax Rates Does Nothing- Spending Is The Problem

he Bush 43 deficits were not produced because of tax cuts, they were produced because he spent heavily on the war on terror and on the internal security state. Democrats were afraid to be called 'soft on terror', so they did not block this spending.

The US collected a declining share of GDP in tax revenue from 2001-2002 because of the dot com crash and the post-9/11 recession, but from 2003-2007, federal tax revenues climbed every year, from both corporations and from individuals. With the collapse of the mortgage bubble, tax revenues began declining again in 2008. The CBO projections are that tax revenues collected in 2010 will be a lower percentage of GDP than any year of Bush 43's presidency.

This recent chart that appeared in the New York Times shows this all very clearly:

The US does not pay its bills with tax collection, it pays them with expansion of the monetary supply. If you compare the decades of the 50's, '60's, '70', '80's, '90's, and '00's, you will see that average federal tax revenues for every decade fall in the range of 17-19% of GDP, regardless of what the top tax rate was at the time. Raising the top tax rate to 100% would do absolutely nothing to balance the budget because you must cut spending- that is where your deficits come from. Borrowing+­interest+t­rade deficit= budget deficits.

Tax Revenues Remain Stable No Matter The Top Rate

The primary cause of the debt during Bush 43 was not tax cuts, it was increased spending on wars and on the internal security state in the wake of 9/11. Democrats never organized to block this spending.

In fact, while federal tax revenues did decline in 2001-2002 because of the dot com crash, the tax revenues collected from 2003-2007 rose by a huge amount ( over 30% ) because of the housing bubble. You can verify all this by looking at this chart produced by the Office of Management and Budget:

Federal tax receipts declined again in 2008 after the mortgage bundle fraud was exposed, and now they are projected to be way down for 2009.

Excess spending of borrowed money is always the biggest contributor to US deficits, and the interest charged on this borrowed money is becoming the dominant contributor to all future deficits, because it is baked into the cake, through all future administrations.

The Locomotive Of Growth Is Gone

I don't think it makes any sense to compare the debt situation this country faced at the end of WWII with the debt situation currently. The US was not running an annual account deficit in 1945, and we did not begin to run one until the late 1980's. We produced for ourselves. Even during the great depression, we produced for ourselves. Today, we borrow to import what we use. The US has the largest trade deficit on Earth. The interest costs alone on the accumulated loans that have financed this appetite for imports are in the hundreds of billions, and compounding.

The growing costs of the loans that support our addiction to imports must be considered in any evaluation of our debt crisis. At 6% of GDP, the current annual account deficit is bigger than the level that brought Argentina into collapse. Mexico got to 8% before its last collapse.

We no longer have the locomotive that pulled us out of debt after WWII. It's been shipped overseas.

Larger Government Is Not The Answer But It's All You're Being Offered

We have a centrally-planned oligarchical economy, but we will always be told that every failure of this centrally-managed economy was the result of 'too much free market, too little government'. It's amazing that people still believe that corporations and the government are adversaries in the U.S.- if the corps and the gov were at odds, why would the corporate media be begging us all to choose Big Government as the answer for everything?

A larger government is always presented as the only remedy for everything that ails the US economy, because the oligarchy that owns the government can then shove more of their costs of doing business onto the backs of the citizens who carry the bloated market-destroying government on their backs.

Dems Need To Accept Responsibility For Bills From 'War On Terror' Madness

When Bush spent wildly fighting 'terror' ( a truly unwinnable war against a phantom menace ), Dems were all behind the official 9/11 story and signed off on the war spending over and over. Now the Dems are calling the Bush deficits spent fighting terror 'poison', but they want Obama to spend wildly fighting, and they want to call that medicine.

Dems need to accept their responsibility for the bills from Bush's War on Terror ( which they continue to spend on themselves ).

This Country Does Not Pay Its Bills With Tax Collections

This country does not pay its bills with tax collections, this country pays its bills by expanding the money supply and mortgaging the future. That's why politicians love the Fed- it allows them to spend wildly without taking the money directly out of the citizens' pockets. Instead, inflation caused by the expanding money supply acts as a constant flat tax that the politicians can pretend isn't a tax.

All Debt Creation Is A Bipartisan Effort

A lot of people were worried about the debt from 2000-2008, but how many times did Democrats block Bush from making wars in his insane 'war on terror' mindset? The Dems signed off on trillions in war costs over and over, because they were afraid of having the 'soft on terror' card played on them.

All debt creation in this country is a bipartisan effort.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

No Need For Central Bank

There is no need for a central bank to decide how much money is in the system. Commercial banks should compete to satisfy the demand for credit that exists. Interest rates on loans will find their own level, based on one factor: risk. Having a central bank standing behind the commercial banks has allowed the banks to ignore risk when lending and allowed them to stretch their reserve requirements past the point of all common sense. Fractional-reserve lending is a crooked enough practice for the banks to abuse- giving them taxpayer insurance for their gambling losses is preposterous. All businesses need to fear failure- designating the banks as 'too big too fail' strips banking of discipline.

The mortgage bubble and the fraud that came with it was enabled by government intervention into the credit markets through the GSE's, which distorted the risk equations. Bad lending practices should never be bailed out by government. It is a crime to protect the shareholders of poorly-run banks with these bailouts.

There does not to be a single forced legal tender, either. That's another central bank-enforced monopoly that harms citizens, because they are always at the mercy of the central bank's unchecked expansion of the monetary supply, which destroys the incentive to save. Citizens should be permitted to conduct commerce in any currency or commodity that they mutually agree upon- even if they create their own local micro-currency.

The Sole Purpose Of Implementing A Fiat Currency System

The idea that compound interest can be canceled out by GDP growth is a strange one, because GDP does not compound exponentially like interest on the debt does.

The sole purpose of implementing a fiat currency system backed by self-perpetuating debt is this: to infect the patient ( the workers ) with terminal debt dependency, until the debt load carried by the money supply causes depreciation of the money's value that is so rapid, the interest collected by the creditors to compensate for the inflation cannot keep up.

And then the game stops.

To Be A Saver

To be a saver, one must save in something that cannot be debased by forces outside of your control. The federal reserve note does not fill that requirement. The value of a federal reserve note is under constant attack by a bank trying to slow down deflationary trends, so assets should not be kept in federal reserve notes long term.

The US central bank has tipped the scales to favor borrowers and punish savers, just as you posted. They do not want the dollar to be a storehouse of value- their objective is to train wage earners to constantly spend and borrow to their limits ( and beyond ), and constant expansion of the monetary supply achieves that goal.

Although speculation will affect the price of something concrete like land or gold, that speculation is really just altering the other side of the equation- the price of the commodity when measured in fiat dollars. The dollar fluctuates, the gold is constant. It is impossible for the Fed to make your ounce of gold weigh any less than an ounce, no matter what they do with their supply of fiat.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Oil and The Trade Deficit

Oil is over 50% of the US trade deficit.

How are you going to fuel this suggested 'expansion of US exports' to 'balance the trade deficit' ( keep dreaming ) if the energy costs of running your factories and delivering your goods to port keep going up because you keep allowing your dollar to be debased???

The falling dollar punishes those who live without borrowing, because inflation strips away the incentive to save. The banking cartel does not want their fiat dollar to be a storehouse of value. The banking cartel wants their fiat dollar to be a tool of consumption only, because that creates a permanent captive consumer class in America for all the products made in the factories transplanted overseas.

Weak Dollar Won't Save You

All our dollars are created from debt. Why would our foreign creditors ( who are also the source of our imports ) continue to buy the Treasuries, if the dollar is being devalued to make our products more competitve with theirs? The Chinese aren't going to fund the theft of their market share.

As the dollar slides, interest rates will need to rise, in order to compensate those who invest in US debt. It is impossible to have both a weak dollar and debt that is priced attractively, so predicting that the US will be able to maintain a weak dollar policy long enough to close the trade deficit is not realistic.

Besides, who has seen any indication that the multi-national corporations that run the global economy have any interest in returning manufacturing strength to America?

Neither Major Party Supports Smaller Government

"Neither party believes in small government."

Correct. Both sides of the false left/right paradigm feed the same tumor when in power. It's their self preservation at stake. Does Wal Mart ever support a smaller Wal Mart? Same attitude prevails inside the corporate state that has hijacked our central government.

Tsunami Of Unfunded Mandates

There's a tsunami of unfunded mandates over the horizon with the retirements of the baby boomers- those entitlements, along with the interest on the debt, are locked in. We couldn't outrun the red ink, even if either major political party had a plan to do so. The amount of treasuries headed for auction is going to swell rapidly, and that appetite for credit is going to either kill the dollar or drive long bond yields sky high.

Tax Cuts From The Left?

The two biggest kicks in the behind for consumer spending were not 'job creation', but tax rebates- tax credits for buying new homes and government subsidies for new cars. How does that square with the left's mantra: "Any money that is spent would be spent better if the government spends it for you."?

Robbery Presented As Recovery

The 'recession fighting' program appears to be this: prop up the parasitical failures of the economy, using money borrowed against the collateral of those who play by the rules and earn their livings honestly.

Controlled Media Slanders Populists

There's been a populist revolt going on for well over two years, but because it is being built by true liberals, true conservatives and libertarians and because the issue driving it is 'Opposition to Big Government, both Federal and Global', the mainstream media either ignores it, ridicules it, or demonizes it, and slanders everyone in it as 'conspiracy theorists', 'militia types', 'racists', or 'religious wackos'.

Any real populist revolt is going to come from people who have awakened and then discarded the phony paradigm of the two major parties, and since the primary mission of the mainstream media ( and plenty of the 'internet new media' as well ) is to keep people trapped in the prison of the two corporate parties, anybody who wants in on this populist revolt better not expect any help from the MSM.

The mainstream media will try and hijack populist movements and then drive them off a cliff, though. ( But hey, if people can't recognize that someone like Glenn Beck is an infiltrator bringing sabotage to any populist movement, they deserve what they get. )

Issue Of The FED Separates Real Populists From Infiltrators

Anyone preaching populism who ignores the Fed or who thinks that the economy can be repaired around the private central bank is, at best, delusional and spreading false hope, or, at worst, intentionally poisoning the populist movement.

Don't Expect Any Signal From Obama

"It's up to Obama to make the first move and give the country the signal to revolt."

Nice fantasy, but the elite aren't stupid and they're not going to install a President who will blow up in their face. They have fail safes in place to prevent this 'signal from the top' scenario, anyway.

It's a bad idea to wait for signals from 'leaders'. Besides, the signal has been given, long ago. The founders issued warnings about what events would precede the collapse of the republic, and those events are happening. A global banker-controlled government that micromanages you financially, biologically, and psychologically is on the move. There's the signal. The elite have stated that they plan to create just such a society. They've been building it for over a century behind a shroud of propaganda, and now it's breaking through the surface fast, like the Monster From The Bottom Of The Sea.

Gun Control Helps Criminals

Gotta love America's loony idea that gun laws will keep guns out of the hands of determined criminals ( because, as everyone knows, when drug laws were passed, drugs soon became unavailable, right? )

America was built with guns. Would have been a real mismatch if the English had managed to disarm the colonists first.

Pelosi and Reid Deliver New Customers To Private Insurers With Fines and Threats

The Democrats have solved the problem of the uninsured by forcing them to either march into the customer pool of private companies or face fines and prison.

Government Power Inflated Mortgage Fraud

“"the private sector ruined the banking system, not the government."

Actually, the government's foolish efforts to guarantee the mortgages of the GSE's ( Fannie, Freddie ) was the government market intervention that allowed the crooks of Wall Street to run wild with securitization of mortgage debt. The leverage against those securities and the derivatives wound around the mortgage debt were government-endorsed con games. It all happened right before the eyes of government. Google 'Brooksley Born'.

The credit bubble was built on poor quality mortgages. Government insisted that risky loans be given and government backed for the bundles and bonds created from that risky debt. A complete state-private partnership caused the engineered crash. It's typical of any communist/­corporatis­t entity.

Manufactured Threats

You're right- it's not coincidental that the Brzezinski-created 'Radical Islam' threat was in the wings to serve as the 1984 Eurasia external threat after Soviet Eastasia was retired.

The Soviet Threat was developed, massaged and amplified in order to make America submit to the military-industrial complex that promised to defend us from it. Now, the War on Terror is used to make the citizens submit to the dominant surveillance state that promises to defend us from 'terrorism' .

External threats are manufactured to make people trade liberty for security.

Phony Liberal Myth That 'free markets' Drove Health Insurance Costs

“"Health insurance corporations have uniformly bled the public dry using their antitrust exemption."

Why would an industry operating in a free market ever need an antitrust exemption?

There is no free market in health insurance. There's a trust. A cartel that gobbles up government subsidies and engages in price-fixing and collusion. No free market there. If there was a free market in health insurance, you'd have a 'Wal-Mart' brand of health insurance that aggressively forced suppliers of health care to cut costs. There's no such thing.

"Now that deregulation ideology has crashed and burned, taking with it our jobs, our vacations, our options and our opportunity"

Globalization, a hellchild spawned by both corrupt bribe-soaked phony parties, sent the jobs overseas. Wall Street and the multinational corporations and traitors from both controlled parties collaborated every step of the way. Capital was regulated into dominance, allowed to dominate humans because government cleared all the obstacles.

Wall Street liberals praised globalization during the bubble years. The myth of globalization is now trashed, and now there's a new phony liberal myth to explain why it's killing economies: that government took a hands off approach to globalization.

Big Government was the Father of globalized capital and Big Business was the Mother of globalized capital. The harvesting of wealth for the ruling financial class and the transfer of America's productive capacity could not have happened without a Government/Business partnership breaking all the ice in the path of the theft.

Carry Trade Profits

The private banks that own the Fed are getting rich with the dollar carry trade currently. Borrowing at near zero and then using the credit to purchase foreign bonds paying 2-3%. Sure, it's bad for America for her monetary system to be fueling another speculative bubble of paper, but since America doesn't operate her own monetary system, that's hardly a consideration.

No Money In Peace

There's no money in peace. The bankers sell debt, the war machine throws the debt at a 'problem'. A threat or an enemy will always materialize to justify the endless deficit spending. Since it is impossible to ever declare victory in the 'War on Terror', this may be the self-sustaining war rationale that the Pentagon and security agencies have dreamed of forever.

Both the Phony Left And The Phony Right Lie About 'free markets'

The modern conservative stance on the relationship between governments and markets is also a fraud. If 'free-market fundamentalists' are 'doing their thing', the results don't show it. Despite what is alleged, the government is not being 'dismantled'. Far from it.

The US federal government spent 20% of US GDP in 1948, 30% by 1961, 35% by 1989, and 45.34% in 2009.

There are more federal agencies than ever, and the federal government redistributes more wealth than ever- upwards.

Big Government is far too valuable an ally for Big Business to ever be dismantled. Big Government is purchased, compromised, enlarged, and then crafted into a weapon of Big Business that is used to spy on and punish competitors. Big Government harvests wealth for corporations and transfers it in the form of contracts and subsidies. Big Government enforces market discipline in favor of the insiders' club.

The most powerful corporation in the country, the Federal Reserve, would not rotate emissaries from Goldman and the rest of the banking cartel into government offices if this did not pay dividends. Government is a subsidiary of Big Business; it's essential for the management of crony capitalism that government be large, powerful and feared.

Government is the club that the oligarchy uses to guard their empire from the rabble. The solution to the failures of our current centrally-planned economy is not to make it more communist, because that just means making it more totalitarian.

Keynes Was Wrong

Consumers take their lead from the government, and the government develops its appetite for debt on the orders of its owners, the bankers, who sell only one product: debt.

With Keynesians, there is always the mad dream that new debt can heal old debt. They juggle the debt and do parlor tricks with the debt until their addiction is forcibly cut off. Debt never feels like a real obligation until you can't obtain it.

"In the final chapter of The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith argued that once national debts have accumulated to a certain degree, they are rarely paid. Government officials, he argues, are both unwilling and unable to get serious about debt. They don’t want to lose popularity by raising taxes and they will never cut spending enough. Instead, they employ “juggling tricks” to push the debt problem into the future and hide the full costs."

Applies to consumers, applies to our government.

"The most improper “trick” Smith forecasted was currency debasement, by which a real public bankruptcy [is] disguised under the appearance of a pretended payment.”

Barney Frank and Chris Dodd Hid Fannie and Freddie Collapse

NY Times, September 11, 2003:

"The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.

Under the plan, disclosed at a Congressional hearing today, a new agency would be created within the Treasury Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government­-sponsored companies that are the two largest players in the mortgage lending industry."

Barney Frank, quoted in the same article, 2003:

''These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis,'' said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee.

Chris Dodd on Fannie and Freddie, June 2008:

"These are viable, strong institutions," Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., said at a Capitol Hill press conference.

Big Government Created Housing Bubble

Not only were the profits privatized and the losses socialized, but what is even more sickening is the current claim by the 'Big Government Solves Everything' crowd that more government would have prevented the toxic bundles from becoming the foundation of a derivatives bomb... Big Government was essential to the creation of the phony mortgage bubble. The government backstopped the mortgages through FM and FM- that was the insurance that gave the green light for the con artists of Wall Street to market all that garbage debt as a securities.

If the mortgage bundlers didn't have the government seal of approval on their garbage, the racket would have never produced the eventual systemic crisis, because the market naturally rejects weak paper assets. Government backing is what made them appear strong.

Big Inflation Approaching

Much of these Wall Street profits are from shorting the dollar. We're also around the corner from another big spike in commodities, and Wall St. is already lining up to profit from that in the futures markets.

When your dollar's purchasing power is sliding and you're paying much more for oil and food, you can be sure that Wall Street is cashing in on those trends. Your reality is their profit opportunity.

You Can't Kill Your Currency To Bring Back Manufacturing

“"You seem to be forgetting that a weak dollar helps companies who sell their products overseas. "

You seem to be forgetting basic math. The US runs huge trade deficits, month after month after month. We're already hooked on imports. This trade imbalance means that any change in the dollar's exchange rate does more to multiply the cost of imports than it does to make US exports more attractive. The scales are already tipped . A plunging dollar only makes you more dependent on debt, because you must borrow more to keep pace with the rising prices caused by your expanding money supply.

If it was possible to restore native manufacturing simply by weakening your currency, then the Weimar Republic would have rebuilt the German economy on the back of the devalued Reichsmark. Did that happen? Did Argentina revitalize Argentine industry by destroying their currency?

A weaker dollar policy is the road to a debt default. Bernanke and Obama are repeating the same foolish cheap money policies of Greenspan and Bush, presumably to achieve the same end results: America driven into total subservience to foreign creditors and global government..

Top financial analysts are pointing out that government giveaways to the large banks are heading right into the carry trade and asset-stripping and consolidation. Banks are not pumping new credit into the street level economy because Americans are maxed out on credit. Banks are using bailout dollars to leverage new bubbles.

Thanks to Ron Paul

Thanks to people like Ron Paul, I think the myth that the Fed is a government agency is now on its last legs. The Fed is a consortium of private banks. The Fed is incorporated and the holders of the preferred stock in the Fed are some of the richest families on earth. The conflicts of interest are immense, the opportunities to front run the markets with insider info are immense.

Jefferson warned:

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] . . . will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered . . . The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

An Unsophisticated Con

“"What if this scenario we are seeing played out is just a very sophisticated con?"

It's not even a very sophisticated con. It's fairly crude, at its core a simple pump n' dump. They dump out at the height of the pump, you get left holding the bag of leaking hot air plus the bill to recapitalize those who scammed you.

They all knew that the speculative wealth built on inflated home values had a finite life span- that's why the big players all started betting against the toxic soup long before their small fry clients got the warning.

The Myth That TARP Restored Stability

The TARP did not stabilize the financial system, it gave it a longer leash. Basically, they spent several trillion dollars on funny money duct tape trying to hold together a system that is currently heading towards a full meltdown at even greater speed than it was in fall 2008. But people will always think they're out of the woods until all the timbers start falling directly on their heads. Bigger crises are looming.

O Canada

A good ( and funny, despite the subject matter ) documentary on Canada's banking system came out last year. The producers have made it available for free download. It's called 'O Canada, Our Bought And Sold Out Land'.

You can get it through here:

"...explores the history of banking, the selling out of the prosperity of Canada, the clearance sale of Canadian businesses and the political liquidation of public infrastructures to the multi-national corporate oligarchy."

The inside look at the mechanisms of the fiat/fractional reserve system apply to the US, as well.

Dishonest Monetary Systems Fuel War

The banking system is the heart of the entire military-industrial complex and the security state. Nothing creates a demand for debt like war and defense spending and the bankers sell the debt, so the war machine and the funny money machine are partners.