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Friday, November 20, 2009

You Can't Kill Your Currency To Bring Back Manufacturing

“"You seem to be forgetting that a weak dollar helps companies who sell their products overseas. "

You seem to be forgetting basic math. The US runs huge trade deficits, month after month after month. We're already hooked on imports. This trade imbalance means that any change in the dollar's exchange rate does more to multiply the cost of imports than it does to make US exports more attractive. The scales are already tipped . A plunging dollar only makes you more dependent on debt, because you must borrow more to keep pace with the rising prices caused by your expanding money supply.

If it was possible to restore native manufacturing simply by weakening your currency, then the Weimar Republic would have rebuilt the German economy on the back of the devalued Reichsmark. Did that happen? Did Argentina revitalize Argentine industry by destroying their currency?

A weaker dollar policy is the road to a debt default. Bernanke and Obama are repeating the same foolish cheap money policies of Greenspan and Bush, presumably to achieve the same end results: America driven into total subservience to foreign creditors and global government..

Top financial analysts are pointing out that government giveaways to the large banks are heading right into the carry trade and asset-stripping and consolidation. Banks are not pumping new credit into the street level economy because Americans are maxed out on credit. Banks are using bailout dollars to leverage new bubbles.

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